Imagine a world where your social identity seamlessly travels with you across the digital landscape. A world where your data is truly yours, and the platforms you use work together instead of keeping you locked in. This isn't just a dream—it's the reality we're building with Tapestry.

In the exciting realm of Web3 social protocols, Tapestry is charting a new course. While other platforms like Farcaster have made strides, we're innovating at the frontier of decentralized social networking to accelerate the transition from a world of walled gardens and broken user experiences to the world of interoperability, composability, and user-sovereignty.

Let's explore how Tapestry’s architecture has been designed to empower developers and end users.

Global Consensus and Network Reliability

One of the most critical aspects of a decentralized social protocol is maintaining a consistent global state. This is where Tapestry's architecture shines compared to Farcaster's hub model.

The Problem with Farcaster's Hub Model

Farcaster relies on a network of independently operated hubs to store and propagate user data. While this approach aims for decentralization, it introduces several significant issues:

  1. Synchronization Challenges:
    • Hubs can easily get out of sync with each other, leading to inconsistent views of the social graph across the network.
    • This can result in users seeing different versions of profiles, posts, or follower lists depending on which hub they're connected to.
  2. Complex Conflict Resolution:
    • When hubs disagree, Farcaster employs a conflict resolution process that can be slow and potentially lead to data loss or inconsistencies.
    • This process adds complexity and potential points of failure to the system.
  3. Lack of Immediate Finality:
    • Without a single source of truth, there's always a degree of uncertainty about the current state of the network.

Tapestry's Solana-Based Solution

In contrast, Tapestry leverages Solana's high-performance blockchain to ensure true global consensus:

  1. Single Source of Truth:
    • All social graph data is stored directly on the Solana blockchain, eliminating the possibility of conflicting states.
    • Every node in the network sees the same data at the same time, ensuring consistency across the entire ecosystem.
  2. Immediate Finality:
    • Solana's consensus mechanism provides near-instant transaction finality.
    • Once a social interaction (like a follow or post) is confirmed, it's immediately part of the global state.
  3. No Need for Complex Conflict Resolution:
    • With all data onchain, there's no possibility of conflicting versions that need to be reconciled.

The Incentive Structure

Another crucial advantage of Tapestry's architecture is its alignment with Solana's proven incentive model:

  1. Farcaster's Incentive Gap:
    • Farcaster's hub model lacks clear economic incentives for running hubs.
    • This could lead to a shortage of hubs or centralization around a few well-funded operators.
  2. Tapestry's Validator-Aligned Incentives:
    • By building on Solana, Tapestry leverages the existing, battle-tested incentive structure for validators.
    • Solana validators are already incentivized to maintain the network's integrity and performance, which Tapestry's social graph directly inherits.

Real-World Implications

The differences in consensus models have significant real-world implications:

  • User Experience: Tapestry users enjoy a consistent, real-time social experience across all applications, without worrying about which "version" of the social graph they're seeing.
  • Developer Confidence: Developers building on Tapestry can rely on a single, authoritative source of social data, simplifying application logic and improving reliability.
  • Network Health: The strong incentives for Solana validators translate directly into a healthy, decentralized network for Tapestry's social protocol.

Onchain vs. Off-chain Storage

One of the fundamental differences between Tapestry and Farcaster lies in how data is stored:

  • Farcaster: Primarily uses off-chain storage with periodic commitments to Ethereum.
  • Tapestry: Stores all social graph data directly on the Solana blockchain.

Tapestry's onchain approach offers several benefits:

  1. Real-time data availability: All interactions are immediately reflected on the blockchain.
  2. Enhanced security: Leveraging Solana's robust security model protects user data.
  3. True decentralization: No reliance on centralized servers for core functionality.

Scalability and Performance

Farcaster's off-chain storage might seem advantageous for scalability, but Tapestry's use of Solana provides superior performance and scalablility:

  • High throughput: Solana can handle thousands of transactions per second.
  • Low latency: Confirmations in less than a second.
  • Cost-effective: Transactions on Solana are significantly cheaper than on Ethereum.

This allows Tapestry to maintain real-time social interactions without sacrificing speed or affordability.

Developer Experience

Tapestry prioritizes developer experience:

  • Simple API: Our RESTful API makes integration straightforward.
  • Flexible data structures: Developers can easily extend user profiles and interactions to fit their app's unique needs and naming conventions.


As developers, we stand at the forefront of digital innovation, constantly seeking tools and platforms that allow us to push the boundaries of what's possible. Tapestry isn't just another social protocol—it's a paradigm shift that empowers us to build the next generation of social applications.

Imagine a development ecosystem where:

  • Your social features are backed by the security and speed of Solana blockchain
  • Global consensus is a given, not a challenge to overcome
  • Scalability and performance come standard, allowing you to focus on innovation
  • Interoperability is built-in, expanding the reach and potential of your applications

This isn't a far-off dream. It's the reality Tapestry offers today.

As we move forward, we call on you—the visionaries, the builders, the dreamers—to join us in this journey. Whether you're crafting the next big social platform, integrating social features into existing applications, or exploring entirely new paradigms of online interaction, Tapestry provides the canvas for your creativity.

The threads are in place. The loom is ready. It's time to weave the future of social networking.

Welcome to Tapestry. Welcome to a new era of social development.